Welcome to Louise Howard Solicitors



  • You choose who looks after your funeral and your other personal matters;
  • You choose your burial ceremony such as cremation
  • You may need to protect someone vulnerable in your life e.g. adult with special needs or someone with addiction difficulties; A will allows you to do this
  • Security for children under 18 years; Even if you don’t have any money or assets, ask yourself, who will look after them if you don’t specify. You can think of your will as your voice when you are gone
  • You can consider tax liabilities for your beneficiaries and plan for them
  • Allows for endurance of a business or farming initiative
  • If you do not make a Will it can typically lead to more legal costs
  • It is very affordable to make a Will
  • If you don’t make a Will the Law will decide how your estate is divided .
  • If you are married and have no children, then all your assets go to your spouse;
  • If you are married and you have children, then two-thirds of all your assets go to your spouse and one-third is divided amongst your children;
  • If you are single, then your assets go to your parents, and if they have predeceased you, then your estate is divided equally between your brothers and sisters.

We advise clients in relation to the following:

  • Estate planning and management
  • Will drafting
  • Administration of estates
  • Wards of court applications
  • Enduring powers of attorney
  • Succession litigation and disputes
  • Succession law
  • Property rights
  • Commercial matters / commercial law issues


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